Answered By: eTeam Support
Last Updated: Aug 24, 2022     Views: 601

PMID stands for "PubMed Identification Number," which is a number that uniquely identifies an article record included in the National Library of Medicine's PubMed database. A PMID is assigned to each article record as it is added to the PubMed database. PMIDs sometimes appear in the reference lists of peer-reviewed journal articles, especially in the health sciences.

PMIDs appear on all PubMed result pages and article detail pages. Here are examples: 

PubMed PMID Callouts

In some cases, you can find articles in the library's databases by searching for the PMID of the article. For example, here's how to search by PMID using Medline w/ Full Text:

To search by PMID, select PM PMID in the dropdown menu in the search bar for Medline w/ Full Text.


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