Answered By: eTeam Support
Last Updated: Nov 19, 2024     Views: 948

Most EBSCO eBooks can be downloaded and read offline on your computer or mobile device. To download EBSCO eBooks, you will be prompted to log into your MyEBSCO account. If you do not have a MyEBSCO account, you can set one up by clicking on the MyEBSCO link in the upper right-hand corner of any page in Discover or the Sign In link in the upper right-hand menu in any EBSCOhost database. You will need to log in using a Microsoft Sign In form.

To use this form, see the following instructions:

  1. Enter your full Georgia Southern email address (including and click Next.

  2. Enter your Georgia Southern email password and click Sign in.

  3. Complete dual authentication using Duo.

  4. Select whether the device you are using is Personal or Public.

  5. Select whether you would like to stay signed in or not. 

You will then be redirected to the resource.

Screenshots instructing users to sign in using the new Microsoft log in form.

For more information about EBSCO eBooks, see the Libraries' EBSCO eBooks Support Materials FAQ post.

Download an eBook to Your Computer from Discover

To download and read EBSCO eBooks on you computer, follow the instructions below.

  1. Download and Install Adobe Digital Editions (ADE) on Your Computer
    If you don't already have Adobe Digital Editions (ADE) installed on your computer, you will need to install it and authorize your computer to open DRM-protected eBooks. To do so, follow these instructions.
  2. Log into Your MyEBSCO Account
    To download eBooks, you will need to be logged into your MyEBSCO account. If you do not have a MyEBSCO account, you can set one up by clicking the MyEBSCO link in the upper right-hand corner of any page in Discover. Log in using your MyGS credentials.
  3. Download and Read an eBook
    After you have completed steps 1-2 above, you are ready to download and read EBSCO eBooks on your computer. When you have identified an eBook to download, click to open the Access Now menu for the eBook you would like to download and select Full eBook download. If you are not already logged into your MyEBSCO account, you will be prompted to log in.

Screenshot of the Access Now menu.

Select a duration from the Borrow for drop-down menu and, when available, select whether you would like to download the PDF or EPUB format of the eBook. Confirm that you have Adobe Digital Editions installed, then click the Full Download button. The eBook will now be checked out and downloaded to your computer or device.

Screenshot of the Full Download dialog box.

eBooks that you download are checked out and added to the Holds & checkouts screen of your Dashboard. The expiration date of your checkout is displayed. When the downloaded eBook is opened, it will display in Adobe Digital Editions.

Screenshot of the My Dashboard screen.

If you receive the error message, E_AUTH_BAD_DEVICE_KEY_OR_PKCS12, you may need to type ctrl-shift-D while in ADE (cmd-shift-D if on Mac), then restart ADE and reauthorize your computer using your Adobe ID.

When downloading an eBook using the Chrome browser, the download may not automatically open but instead appear in a download bar at the bottom of the browser. Click the download in the bar and select Open to open the eBook or select Always open files of this type to automatically open future EBSCO eBooks downloads in ADE.

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Download an eBook to Your Computer from EBSCOhost

To download and read EBSCO eBooks on you computer, follow the instructions below.

  1. Download and Install Adobe Digital Editions (ADE) on Your Computer
    If you don't already have Adobe Digital Editions (ADE) installed on your computer, you will need to install it and authorize your computer to open DRM-protected eBooks. To do so, follow these instructions.
  2. Log into Your MyEBSCO Account
    To download eBooks, you will need to be logged into your MyEBSCO account. If you do not have a MyEBSCO account, you can set one up by clicking the Sign In link in the upper right-hand menu in any EBSCOhost database. Log in using your MyGS credentials.
  3. Download and Read an eBook
    After you have completed steps 1-2 above, you are ready to download and read EBSCO eBooks on your computer. When you have identified an eBook to download, click the Full Download link. If you are not already logged into your MyEBSCO account, you will be prompted to log in.

Screenshot of an eBook record on the result list and callout of the Full Download link.

Select the number of days you wish to borrow the eBook and, when available, select whether you would like to download the PDF or EPUB format of the eBook. Confirm that you have Adobe Digital Editions installed, then click the Full Download button. The eBook will download to your computer and be added to the Checkout area of your MyEBSCO folder.

Screenshot of the Full Download dialog box.

Select to either Open or Save the file in the resulting dialog box. If you Open the file, the eBook will open in Adobe Digital Editions (ADE). If you Save the file, the eBook will be saved to your computer and can be opened with ADE at a later time.

If you receive the error message, E_AUTH_BAD_DEVICE_KEY_OR_PKCS12, you may need to type ctrl-shift-D while in ADE (cmd-shift-D if on Mac), then restart ADE and reauthorize your computer using your Adobe ID.

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