Answered By: eTeam Support
Last Updated: Nov 19, 2024     Views: 321

EBSCO's search alerts and journal alerts provide automatic email notifications whenever new content becomes available in Discover or the EBSCOhost database you are using. To create and manage alerts, see the following instructions:


To set up and manage search alerts using Discover, see this article on EBSCO Connect. You must log in to your MyEBSCO account to create a search alert. If you do not log in prior to setting up a search alert you will be prompted to do so. If you do not have a MyEBSCO account, you can set one up by clicking the MyEBSCO link in the upper-right hand corner of any page in Discover and logging in using your full Georgia Southern email address and password via a Microsoft Sign In form.

To use this form, see the following instructions:

  1. Enter your full Georgia Southern email address (including and click Next.

  2. Enter your Georgia Southern email password and click Sign in.

  3. Complete dual authentication using Duo.

  4. Select whether the device you are using is Personal or Public.

  5. Select whether you would like to stay signed in or not.

You will then be redirected to the resource.

Screenshots instructing users to sign in using the new Microsoft log in form.


To set up and manage search alerts and journal alerts using the Libraries' EBSCOhost databases, see the following resources on EBSCO Connect. You must log in to your MyEBSCO account to create alerts. If you do not log in prior to setting up an alert you will be prompted to do so. If you do not have a MyEBSCO account, you can set one up by clicking Sign In in the upper-right hand menu of any page in EBSCOhost and logging in using your Georgia Southern email address and password via the Microsoft Sign In form mentioned above.

Alerts Overview

Search Alerts

Journal Alerts


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