Mental Measurements Yearbook contains full-text information on commercially-available, standardized English-language tests covering educational skills, personality, vocational aptitude, psychology, and related areas. Information given on instruments includes test name and classification, author(s), publisher, publication date, price, time requirements, existence of validity and reliability data, score descriptions, levels, and intended populations. Published reviews of the tests are referenced. MMY provides coverage from Volume 9 to the present. For more information about Mental Measurements Yearbook, see here.
Tests in Print (TIP) is produced by the Buros Institute of Mental Measurements at the University of Nebraska. It serves as a comprehensive bibliography to all known commercially available tests that are currently in print in the English language. TIP provides vital information to users including test purpose, test publisher, in-print status, price, test acronym, intended test population, administration times, publication date(s), and test author(s). A score index permits users to identify what is being measured by each test.
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