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Project Muse is a full-text database of scholarly journals covering: literature, history, art, political science, economics, math, and other fields in the arts and sciences. Users may either search full-text articles or browse the journals. For more information about Project Muse, see here.
The University Libraries subscribe to the following journals through Project Muse. To see all available full text holdings for these journals, follow these links:
- Éire-Ireland (1550-5162)
- Advertising & Society Quarterly (2475-1790)
- African American Review (1945-6182)
- American Annals of the Deaf (1543-0375)
- American Imago (1085-7931)
- American Jewish History (1086-3141)
- American Journal of Philology (1086-3168)
- American Literary History (1468-4365)
- American Literary Realism (1940-5103)
- American Music (1945-2349)
- American Quarterly (1080-6490)
- American Studies (2153-6856)
- Anthropological Quarterly (1534-1518)
- Arizona Quarterly: A Journal of American Literature, Culture, and Theory (1558-9595)
- Arthuriana (1934-1539)
- Asian Perspectives (1535-8283)
- Biography (1529-1456)
- Book History (1529-1499)
- Bulletin of the History of Medicine (1086-3176)
- Callaloo (1080-6512)
- Canadian Review of American Studies (1710-114X)
- CEA Critic (2327-5898)
- Children's Literature (1543-3374)
- Children's Literature Association Quarterly (1553-1201)
- China Review International (1527-9367)
- Civil War History (1533-6271)
- Classical World (1558-9234)
- College Literature (1542-4286)
- Common Knowledge (1538-4578)
- Comparative Drama (1936-1637)
- Comparative Literature Studies (1528-4212)
- Comparative Studies of South Asia, Africa and the Middle East (1548-226X)
- Computer Music Journal (1531-5169)
- Configurations (1080-6520)
- CR: The New Centennial Review (1539-6630)
- Criticism (1536-0342)
- Cultural Critique (1460-2458)
- Diacritics (1080-6539)
- Dissent (1946-0910)
- Early American Studies: An Interdisciplinary Journal (1559-0895)
- Eighteenth-Century Studies (1086-315X)
- ELH (1080-6547)
- English Literature in Transition, 1880-1920 (1559-2715)
- Essays in Medieval Studies (1538-4608)
- Feminist Formations (2151-7371)
- Film & History: An Interdisciplinary Journal (1548-9922)
- Fourth Genre: Explorations in Nonfiction (1544-1733)
- German Studies Review (2164-8646)
- GLQ: A Journal of Lesbian and Gay Studies (1527-9375)
- Hispania (2153-6414)
- Holocaust and Genocide Studies (1476-7937)
- Human Biology (1534-6617)
- Human Rights Quarterly (1085-794X)
- JCMS: Journal of Cinema and Media Studies (2578-4919)
- JEGP, Journal of English and Germanic Philology (1945-662X)
- Journal for Early Modern Cultural Studies (1553-3786)
- Journal of American Folklore (1535-1882)
- Journal of Asian American Studies (1096-8598)
- Journal of Canadian Studies/Revue d'études canadiennes (1911-0251)
- Journal of Cold War Studies (1531-3298)
- Journal of College Student Development (1543-3382)
- Journal of Colonialism and Colonial History (1532-5768)
- Journal of Democracy (1086-3214)
- Journal of Early Christian Studies (1086-3184)
- Journal of Health Care for the Poor and Underserved (1548-6869)
- Journal of Human Resources (1548-8004)
- Journal of Interdisciplinary History (1530-9169)
- Journal of Modern Greek Studies (1086-3265)
- Journal of Narrative Theory (1548-9248)
- Journal of Social History (1527-1897)
- Journal of Southern History (2325-6893)
- Journal of Sport History (2155-8450)
- Journal of the Early Republic (1553-0620)
- Journal of the History of Medicine and Allied Sciences (1468-4373)
- Journal of the History of Philosophy (1538-4586)
- Journal of the History of Sexuality (1535-3605)
- Journal of Women's History (1527-2036)
- Journal of World History (1527-8050)
- Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal (1086-3249)
- Language (1535-0665)
- Late Imperial China (1086-3257)
- Legacy: A Journal of American Women Writers (1534-0643)
- Leonardo (1530-9282)
- Library Trends (1559-0682)
- Literature and Medicine (1080-6571)
- Marvels & Tales (1536-1802)
- MELUS: Multi-Ethnic Literature of the U.S. (1946-3170)
- Meridians: feminism, race, transnationalism (1547-8424)
- MFS Modern Fiction Studies (1080-658X)
- MLN (1080-6598)
- Modern Drama (1712-5286)
- Modernism/modernity (1080-6601)
- Mosaic: an interdisciplinary critical journal (1925-5683)
- Narrative (1538-974X)
- New Hibernia Review (1534-5815)
- New Literary History (1080-661X)
- Parergon (1832-8334)
- Partial Answers: Journal of Literature and the History of Ideas (1936-9247)
- Pedagogy (1533-6255)
- Perspectives in Biology and Medicine (1529-8795)
- Philosophy & Rhetoric (1527-2079)
- Philosophy and Literature (1086-329X)
- Philosophy East and West (1529-1898)
- Philosophy of Music Education Review (1543-3412)
- Philosophy, Psychiatry, & Psychology (1086-3303)
- portal: Libraries and the Academy (1530-7131)
- positions: asia critique (1527-8271)
- Postmodern Culture (1053-1920)
- Prairie Schooner (1542-426X)
- Public Culture (1527-8018)
- Renaissance Quarterly (1935-0236)
- Research in African Literatures (1527-2044)
- Reviews in American History (1080-6628)
- Rhetoric & Public Affairs (1534-5238)
- SAIS Review of International Affairs (1945-4724)
- SEL Studies in English Literature 1500-1900 (1522-9270)
- Shakespeare Quarterly (1538-3555)
- Shofar: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Jewish Studies (1534-5165)
- Sign Language Studies (1533-6263)
- Small Axe (1534-6714)
- Social Forces (1534-7605)
- Social Science History (1527-8034)
- Southeastern Geographer (1549-6929)
- Southern Cultures (1534-1488)
- Southwestern Historical Quarterly (1558-9560)
- Steinbeck Review (1938-6214)
- Studies in American Fiction (2158-5806)
- Studies in American Indian Literatures (1548-9590)
- Studies in Philology (1543-0383)
- Studies in the Novel (1934-1512)
- SubStance (1527-2095)
- TDR: The Drama Review (1531-4715)
- Technology and Culture (1097-3729)
- The Americas (1533-6247)
- The Canadian Historical Review (1710-1093)
- The Catholic Historical Review (1534-0708)
- The Chaucer Review (1528-4204)
- The Emily Dickinson Journal (1096-858X)
- The Future of Children (1550-1558)
- The Hemingway Review (1548-4815)
- The Henry James Review (1080-6555)
- The High School Journal (1534-5157)
- The Journal of Aesthetic Education (1543-7809)
- The Journal of Developing Areas (1548-2278)
- The Journal of General Education (1527-2060)
- The Journal of Higher Education (1538-4640)
- The Journal of Military History (1543-7795)
- The Journal of Nietzsche Studies (1538-4594)
- The Journal of Speculative Philosophy (1527-9383)
- The Journal of the Civil War Era (2159-9807)
- The Lion and the Unicorn (1080-6563)
- The Middle East Journal (1940-3461)
- The Missouri Review (1548-9930)
- The Review of Higher Education (1090-7009)
- The Thomist: A Speculative Quarterly Review (2473-3725)
- The William and Mary Quarterly (1933-7698)
- The Yale Journal of Criticism (1080-6636)
- Theatre Journal (1086-332X)
- Theatre Topics (1086-3346)
- Theory & Event (1092-311X)
- Tolkien Studies (1547-3163)
- Transition (1527-8042)
- Tulsa Studies in Women's Literature (1936-1645)
- University of Toronto Quarterly (1712-5278)
- Victorian Poetry (1530-7190)
- Victorian Studies (1527-2052)
- Western American Literature (1948-7142)
- World Policy Journal (1936-0924)
- World Politics (1086-3338)
- WSQ: Women's Studies Quarterly (1934-1520)
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