Answered By: eTeam Support
Last Updated: Nov 19, 2024     Views: 384

Choice Reviews Home

Choice Reviews is the premier review journal of new academic titles. Since its founding as a monthly collection of recommended titles more than 50 years ago, Choice has become the go-to source for librarians and researchers seeking worthwhile new titles for the library collection. For more information about Choice Reviews, see here.

Use Choice Reviews to identify books and other resources you would like added to the library collection, then request these resources in one of the following ways:

  1. By contacting your library liaison.
  2. By completing this request form.
  3. By emailing

If you have any questions about requesting materials for the library collection, please contact your library liaison or Ask Us!

Accessing Choice Reviews Off Campus

Navigate to Choice Reviews. If you are off campus, you may be asked to log in using a Microsoft Sign In form. If the form appears, follow the steps below to log in. If the form does not appear, continue to the next section, Create an Account and Log in.

  1. Enter your full Georgia Southern email address (including and click Next.

  2. Enter your Georgia Southern email password and click Sign in.

  3. Complete dual authentication using Duo.

  4. Select whether the device you are using is Personal or Public.

  5. Select whether you would like to stay signed in or not.

You will then be redirected to Choice Reviews.

Screenshots instructing users how to log in to the Microsoft form.


Create an Account and Log in

To take full advantage of Choice Reviews, you must create a personal account. To do so, click on the link below or any of the library's links to Choice Reviews.​

When you arrive at the Choice Reviews website, complete these instructions for creating a personal account. Once you have created your personal account, you may log into Choice Reviews from on or off campus with full access to articles, reviews, and account features. 

Create Lists, Alerts, Cardstacks, and More!

Once you have created your personal account, you will be able to search articles and reviews, create lists and alerts to share, create cardstacks to share and vote on, and submit title requests to the library via GOBI. For a general overview of these features and how to set them up, see the Choice Reviews FAQ. In addition, follow these links to common account tasks:


Friendly URL:

Instructions for creating permalinks (for Folio, syllabuses, etc.)

Additional Resources: Quick Start Guide

Maximum Concurrent Users: Unlimited

For more information, Ask Us!