Answered By: eTeam Support
Last Updated: Sep 24, 2024     Views: 3256



What is GALILEO?

GALILEO stands for GeorgiA LIbrary LEarning Online, an initiative of the Board of Regents of the University System of Georgia. GALILEO is an online collection of authoritative, subscription-only information that isn’t available through free search engines or Web directories. For more information, visit the GALILEO website.


How do I find and use GALILEO resources at Georgia Southern?

All GALILEO resources are available through Discover @ Georgia Southern and on the University Libraries' A-Z Database List, both of which are available from the library homepageTo access these resources, navigate to the homepage at via the University website, MyGS, or Google, however you prefer. 

Once at the library homepage, search GALILEO resources using the Discover @ Georgia Southern search form, or directly access GALILEO databases using our A-Z database list, either by clicking on the A-Z Databases (including GALILEO) link or on one of the letters in the alphabetical list.


Do I need a GALILEO password to use these resources?

You do not need a GALILEO password to access GALILEO resources through the library website. If you are on-campus, all resources will be available to you automatically. If you are off-campus, you will be prompted to log in with your full Georgia Southern email address then your password via a Microsoft Sign In form. For more information on how to log in, see this FAQ post


Why was the link to GALILEO removed from the MyGS menu?

The link to GALILEO was removed from the MyGS menu to ensure that all students, faculty, and staff have the best possible access to the full range of resources that the University Libraries provide. The libraries are better able to manage and support on- and off-campus access to all of our resources, including GALILEO, from Discover @ Georgia Southern and the A-Z Database List.


Why were Georgia Southern's databases removed from GALILEO Scholar?

Similarly, Georgia Southern's resources were removed from GALILEO Scholar to ensure that all students, faculty, and staff have the best possible access to the full range of resources that the University Libraries provide. By focusing on one platform instead of two for accessing the libraries' full range of databases and resources, your search experience is simplified and enhanced while the libraries are able to provide access and services that exceed those available through GALILEO Scholar.


I still like to use GALILEO Scholar to perform my research, how do I access it?

If you prefer to use the GALILEO Scholar interface, you can find it under "G" on the libraries' A-Z Database List. You do not need a GALILEO password to access GALILEO Scholar this way, as you will be prompted to log in using your MyGS username and password. However, you will only have access to GALILEO resources when using GALILEO Scholar. For both GALILEO and Georgia Southern resources, use Discover @ Georgia Southern or the University Libraries' A-Z database list



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